Monday, April 22, 2024
Friday, December 1, 2023
"You're weird." ""Thank you."
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Protect Your Sparkle
It reminds me of Amy.
She was famous for her yellow umbrella and her magical way of motivating people to share their own magic.
Amy passed away from cancer in 2017. It was a sudden and tragic loss. Only a few months before she left us, I was helping her plan a family trip to Argentina (my father, Keith Hamilton Reynolds was born here and I have lots of family there). The world discovered how sick she was on March 3rd, 2017, when they read her moving words in The New York Times: You May Want to Marry My Husband.
I encourage you to visit the Amy K. Rosenthal Foundation site to learn more about who Amy was, and how her mission continues - and how you can get involved. Her husband and daughter are carrying the torch forward.
Note: My studio, FableVision is animating a version of the story for Vooks.
I'll blog about that soon.
For information about the book, please visit
When I sign PLANT A KISS books now, I add a little heart 💛 below Amy's name. I know she'd like that - knowing I can reflect some of her heavenly magic into a copy of our book.
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Collaborating with Cat Stevens
Hopping on the Peace Train
One of the first albums I ever bought was Cat Stevens' Teaser and the Firecat.
It was 1971. I remember placing it on the turntable and as the vinyl spun, my twin brother, Paul and I feasted on each song.
Fifty years later, Cat Stevens reached out to ask me to illustrate his song, "Peace Train."
Pinching myself, I realized this was not a dream, but it was a dreamy aligning of the stars.
Before even getting the contract to sign (from publisher, Harper Collins) I had already played the song dozens of times - sounding as fresh as ever, but with a new urgency. I kept listening, closing my eyes and watching the "movie" that began emerging in my mind.
I printed the lyrics and began jotting the visual ideas down alongside the words.
This was all happening during the pandemic, so our collaboration was done through Zoom video chat and e-mail. Seeing Yusuf's face the first time was a wonderful experience. Warmth, wisdom, wit. He shared some very kind words about my work and I shared my own admiration for his work and my early connections to his music. Then we got rolling. The book flowed out. I conjured up my little musician, inspired by Yusuf as a boy, and of course, the Train - the other "main character."
Making this book, I felt that I was on stage with Yusuf, harmonizing.
In a few months we were done.
I had the pleasure of also connecting with Yusuf's son, Yoriyos, who is also a great musician and creative human. Getting to know him, the song, "Father and Son" came to mind and I smiled.
I mentioned to Yusuf that when I listen to his songs - I turn them to books in my head.
"Well, I have quite a few songs, so you'll be busy."
Within a month, I had a contract for our next book, "If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out!"
Yusuf Islam, born Steven Demetre Georgiou, is commonly known by his stage names Cat Stevens, Yusuf, and Yusuf/Cat Stevens.
I now get to call him my friend and collaborator.
For more information about the picture book, Peace Train, or my other books, visit: and Yusuf/Cat Steven's work:
To see how you can support the Peacetrain Foundation
Sunday, August 16, 2020
International Dot Day
September 15-ish. International Dot Day. To learn more, visit The Dot Club. A day to celebrate creativity - for all ages - in school - out fo school. It is a day t think about the words: Making my mark. What does that mean? How will you use your creativity, time and resources to make the world a better place? Millions have joined us for over a decade to celebrate - hope you will too!
By the way, this dot was one of many I painted - about the size of a half dollar (American). I love scanning small paintings and enlarging. As they enlarge - they reveal details that were once hidden. Imagine this little dot on the side of a building? Maybe I'll try that with a bit fo Photoshop magic. : )
It has been awhile since my last blog post. I think social media took me away from it, but I'm glad all my old posts are still here. My blog serves a different purpose. It is a more reflective space. Feels a bit more like a journal. I hope you enjoy - and I hope I get back into my blog groove. : )
Friday, October 6, 2017
I have teamed up once again with author Susan Verde, my collaborator on THE MUSEUM, YOU & ME and THE WATER PRINCESS.
"I AM PEACE: A BOOK OF MINDFULNESS" (Abrams Books for Young Readers), is a sequel to the book "I AM YOGA." It celebrates the power of connecting to our inner peace and sharing that positive energy with others to inspire world peace. It was a joy to splash my watercolor brush with vivid, warm, encouraging colors to help honor and promote this beautiful mission.
☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️ ☮️
Be sure to use #IAmPeace #WeArePeace when you share with the world.
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Thank You for Saving My Life
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Inside the Mind of a Dreamer
I also wrote this book for all the parents out there who worry about their kids coping in school and the world. They lose sleep worrying how the world will understand and appreciate the amazing spirit and mind of a child that they know better than anyone else. Happy Dreamer is there to reassure them that their children will be fine--especially if they are loved and their unique brains are appreciated.
I wrote it too for the kids who are labeled early, often diagnosed with ADHD. I wanted them to smile as they hear the initials and say to themselves, "Amazing, Delightful, Happy Dreamer."
Friday, October 14, 2016
Omran... #ThisIsStillAleppo
Omran Daqneesh
It has been weeks since I drew this image after seeing the heart-wrenching news footage. I saw this little boy, covered in dust, dazed and confused, rubbed his head as blood flowed from a wound. He looked at his hand and then rubbed the blood onto the orange seat of the ambulance. Perhaps it resonated more deeply because I have a son about the same age and I couldn't imagine him having to go through the same experience. I was so grateful to the first responders, The White Helmets who risked their own lives to rescue this boy.
Tragically, the bombing continues as of today. I have been devastated by the continual news reports coming from Syria, but also inspired by Omran Daqneesh, the 5-year-old boy in Aleppo, Syria remains a symbol for all those in need--especially those who do not have a voice. A good overview of ways we can help...
Monday, April 18, 2016
Rare Moments
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Going Home: Playing from the Heart
It's always a dreamy day when I finally hold the first copy of a book I've created. Playing from the Heart, released this week on April 12th, is extra special to me. I'll share the behind the scenes details of how this book came to be later, but today I wanted to share a letter that illuminates the spirit of the book.
My friends, Ann Crewdson and Linda Erst visited me in Boston a few months ago. I happened to have an advanced copy of my new book, Playing from the Heart which I read aloud to them.
Here is Ann's letter:
Dear Peter,
Linda and I had the honor of hearing you read PLAYING FROM THE HEART out loud to us. Your character, Raj's story reminded me of my father-in-law who played the clarinet for years. He was a music major, but after serving in the military in WWII, he decided to be a dentist.
He had lost touch with music for decades until my daughter, Victoria picked up the violin as an instrument. He attended every single concert and I could swear he lived through her violin playing, vicariously. He attended almost every single one of her Seattle Youth Symphony concerts until he couldn't do it anymore due to infirmary.
Before he passed away, one of his last wishes was to have my daughter play "Going Home" at his funeral with her violin.
It was in this moment that I connected your book with my memory.
It brought me to tears.
And that is what I meant when I said the book is about "going home"
to your talent and the persistence of the human spirit.
My father-in-law lives on in my children.
Kindest regards,
I asked Ann if I could share her connection to the story and she kindly allowed me to share it here. While my book is about music, about connecting deeply to the joy of expressing your spirit, it is also a book about what connects us all: love.
It is my hope that my book will inspire others to "go home" to the place where joy lives--to perhaps a time when it flowed more easily--and to "go home" and rediscover the "chords" that keep us connected.
Monday, January 25, 2016
"Who are you?" The North Star Questions

I created this image in 1998--inspired by The North Star book that I published the year before. Once I started thinking about the journey--it was hard to STOP thinking about it.
Where had I been?
Where was I now?
Where was I going?
Where was that I wanted to be going?
That last question was THE big North Star question. Just making a few degrees change to the course can land you in a very different place eventually. Ocean navigators know this well.
Oddly, during my school journey, we rarely seemed have much time for "North Star" thinking. I DO remember being asked: "What did you do on your summer vacation?" It was the standard, back-to-school chestnut which at least asked me to share a bit about me beyond the classroom. There were, to be fair, a number of teachers along the way who did care about me, but it was rare that the curriculum supported them being able to get me thinking and writing about who I was and what was going in inside my head.
The North Star Interview
I rounded up a few North Star questions for you. There are plenty more. You'll probably start thinking of them yourself once you get rolling. Your answers will help create a great snapshot of who you are--who you are becoming.1. What is something important to you?
2. What special talent do you have?
3. What place has special meaning to you?
4. Who has helped you find your way?
5. What do you hope to do someday?
6. What do you need to be more happy?
7. What is a big dream you have--if reality wasn't an obstacle?
8. Who have you helped along the way?
9. If you wrote a book about your life up until now what would the title be?
10. If you wrote a book about your future what would it be titled?
Your answers will lead to more reflection and perhaps writing, drawing, painting, and singing. It might help you choose the next book you read or film to watch--or film to make!
It's totally up to you.
Your path.
Your journey.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Rescued Poem
I found this in my studio among my journals. A road-weary little journal. The cheapest kind you can buy in a drugstore. This page had obviously been almost washed away by rain. Or melting snowflakes--seeing that it was a Boston winter of 2003.
It took some effort to decipher:
There will be
stretches of goodness,
like rivers of wheat fields,
and occasional
storms, sudden
and angry
Words. A moment in time.
Almost lost to rain or snow.
The result looks tears-ish.
Monday, January 4, 2016
How to Recharge Your Spirit in One Easy Step
How do you charge your creative "batteries"?
Well, for me there is one easy way: connect with kids.
On most days, I am busy in my studio creating books and films--but when I am lucky enough to break free and venture into schools--I experience the joy of "connecting the dots" with my audience. (Well, half of them anyway, as I try to create my picture books for all ages.)
Schools usually have me do several assemblies where I speak to a few hundred students at a time which I enjoy immensely, but it is after the "big show" is over when I get to connect with kids in an informal way. Some teachers let their kids linger a bit and they get a chance to connect. They bubble with enthusiasm, rattling off comments and asking questions. Timid kids get their chance to share with me. Their insights always delight and inspire me. It is amazing what they pick and what resonates with them. It is a reminder to me that kids are philosophers and deep thinkers. Some are comedians. They are creatives. Idea generators. Poets.
I was at St. Peter's School in Lincoln, Nebraska where the photo above was taken. I was swarmed with kids and tried to connect with each student the best I could. One student asked me:
"How old are you?"
I paused trying to think of a clever answer.
A bright eyed lad named Nicholas jumped in to answer for me.
"You are as kind as when you were a child, as nice as you are now--and as wise as you will be in the future."
Stunned--I just smiled--and said, "Yup--you guessed it."
Batteries: recharged.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Can We All Get Along?
It has been almost a quarter century since the Rodney King incident.
His words after the ensuing riot:
"People, I just want to say, can we all get along? Can we get along?"
As poignant as ever.