
Thursday, September 4, 2008


Here is a little video I made using my program Animationish! 
I am trying to figure out how to loop it... but here it is!


Maribeth Bush said...

I love this animation, Peter! It's very light and airy... and dreamy. It's also inspired me to fire up Animation-ish and start making some animations of my own... though I can only dream of being as talented as you! : )

josyua said...

Hi Peter, I own "Cafe Ish" in Sydney Australia.
Recently a customer whilst on holiday in the U.K. found your book and sent it to us.
It is the most beautiful thing I have ever read.I bawled my eyes out the moment the gallery was revealled.
We would love to stock it and would also be interested in doing a few other things with the images.
Josh Nicholls
Cafe Ish

Peter H. Reynolds said...


What a wonderful world! Cafe Ish!! Drop me a line at and let's "connect the dots!"