Saturday, August 29, 2009

"The dream shall never die..."

As I listened to the funeral Mass for Senator Ted Kennedy, I was inspired and moved by many of the tributes to him, but it was his own words that really resonated with me. I heard these words and picked up my pens and brushes and made this little painting. My watercolor celebration of his mission.... which is, of course, now our mission.


  1. Such a fine and fitting tribute, Peter- Inspired and elevating.

  2. This is wonderful. Thank you for posting it! I love your artwork.

  3. Just as those speeches inspired you, your painting inspires me. Thank you Peter. And as a side note: Thanks for letting me work at your company, it was a great honor. :D

  4. Dear Peter, your picture is very beautiful and full of light!!!
    Greetings from Italy!!!

  5. Thanks for the kind comments. For a signed, matted copy of the print, please contact Janet Reynolds at The Blue Bunny Bookshop -

  6. ...brought a tear to my eye. What a lovely tribute to a wonderful man.
