Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Stellar Cafe: Bologna

I realize that I have never labeled any of my blogs "A Stellar Cafe" despite my blog being CALLED The Stellar Cafe. Well, here I sit in one of those stellar cafes.... here in Bologna, Italy. I am attending the Children's Book Fair once again. Part industry re-con trip and part "personal battery" recharge trip. It is already working. I arrived yesterday and slept from noon until midnight... and then unpacked - and slept another seven hours. I rarely sleep six a night. My body soaked it in like a dry sponge. As Shakespeare wrote:
Sleep that knits up the ravell'd sleeve of care,
The death of each day's life, sore labour's bath,
Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,
Chief nourisher in life's feast..."
I try to build in one of these recharge days into my trips so that I can begin the actual trip the next day - refreshed.

I had a great cafe session today - and savored the cappuccino... noticing that in Italy they drink small amounts and take their time with them. I think they might be flabbergasted at the "Grande Tall" cafe lattes consumed by USA coffee drinkers. (Better ask for "cafe latte" in Italy - if you ask for just a latte you will be served hot milk!)

And coffee to go? In big paper cups? I have not seen it here. I imagine they'd look at you like you're a bit crazy - which I think we are in the USA. We've gone nuts.

The greed for things we don't need - or things that don't even exist (look at the banking industry buying and trading people's money in things that did not exist!) - it feeds us, stuffs us, but I am sure it is not nourishing us.

We need to slow it down.
Do more with less. Sip slowly.
Feast on conversation.
Feast on the sight of a cup of coffee
gleaming in the sun
in a stellar cafe.

Ciao for now,

Bologna, Italy 2009


  1. Those last six lines are truly words to live by. As I sit in my kitchen, sipping my slightly over-brewed coffee, I find myself feeling a tinge of jealousy over your current location.

  2. Next year I will be there with you for sure. -- Paul

  3. Enjoy! The sun even looks Italian in your photograph. My favorite breakfast during the first part of my year abroad was getting a cafe latte and an "elephant ears" pastry to dip. Yummmmm....

    As far as your post titles - I wouldn't add "A Stellar Cafe" to every title. Imagine if I added "Soccer Mom in Denial" to every one of my posts? So you are correct - your blog is titled "A Stellar Cafe" and the posts on your blog should have their own titles.

  4. I honestly totally remember thinking as a kid that I would spend my entire life asking questions; I couldn't fathom that there would ever be a day where I could actually SAY something, offer up a statement or opinion.
